Imagine a liberated world beyond binaries, hierarchies, and capital—is this possible when our realities emerge from deeply embodied histories of violence and continuing oppression? BEIs 🤖🐙: Belief Entity Identifiers are trauma-informed somatic machine learners in the form of robot animals. Connecting to our nervous system, BEIs 🤖🪲 are trusted and beloved co-worlding companions who help us feel and identify cyclical underlying beliefs, traumas, and biases—which are produced by and perpetuate interlocking supremacy systems. BEI’s 🤖🍄 ultimate forms are an infinite variety of fantastical robot animals—a furry kitten, a scaly cube, a fantastical beast—co-designed with our gut microbiota and performs diffractive methodologies rooted in quantum physics. As The Revolution School collaborates with computer scientists, bioengineers, neuroscientists, somatic healers, roboticists, etc., we will emerge as BEIs 🤖🦄 for each other before we co-produce one.

⬇️ more info here!⬇️

My Little BEI 🤖 🐛: Robot Animal Familiars
Creative Capital Carnival 2022
The Revolution School | 2:06 minutes